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The project

Biblio_ARCCA – Architettura della Conoscenza Campana per Archivi e Biblioteche Project aims to encourage digital culture through the use of new tools for the enjoyment of the heritage preserved in regional archives and libraries. In this phase, Institutions that have joined the Expression of interest approved with DD 71 of 05.03.2018 and published on BURC 33 of 05.07.2018 are particularly involved. 

The strategy adopted for improving the actions of Biblio_ARCCA Project is focused on innovative activities applied to the productive-technological domain of archives and libraries, with the intention of ensuring the empowerment of TICs and the diffusion of the e-culture. This process can be achieved thanks to the creation and the disclosure of a new tool entirely based on digital inclusion as well as accessibility services and applications, which are essential for the modernisation and acceleration of the economic growth of the territory. 

The project aims at the conservation and enjoyment in a digital environment of the documentary memories produced and spread through the regional territory. For this purpose, a first campaign for the archival and book heritage digitalisation has been launched and it has seen the participation of archives and libraries belonging to universities, local institutions, religious institutes, cultural institutions and associations. 

The digital collection of archive documents reflects the institutional and administrative history of the attractors; their relations with the territory, the communities and the stakeholders; their cultural production and the main evidence of activity. 

The digital collection of the bibliographic material is an expression of the intellectual and scientific development of the territory over time, of its several cultural identities and publishing companies, of the significant and abundant resources of recorded knowledge. 

Overall, it is a heritage of extraordinary value, which is being secured and, at the meantime, is available for researches and studies about Campania and for the citizens who are curious and interested in its cultural and civil history. 

Biblio_ARCCA - ARchitettura della Conoscenza CAmpana per Archivi e Biblioteche is conceived as a real management and informative eco-system characterised by an online distributed environment, which is service-oriented and capable of supporting both the cultural operators in management activities and curatorship of the archival and librarian heritage spread and cultural content users, through out-put interfaces and online integrated services. 

The descriptive system at the base of the regional platform is based on a model for information integration that pivots on the identification of the common entities and, as such, transversal to different descriptive domains. 

These entities (institutions, people, families, cultural locations, themes, etc) are considered as aggregating knots. The identification of these entities, in a multi-domain system, is entrusted to an innovative system of data extraction (Data Advanced Processing), which allows for dynamic classification of informations both structured (informative cards) and not-structured (digital content produced by the digitalisation campaigns). 

The result, monitored and validated by domain experts, gives life to the Knowledge Graph of the regional Ecosystem.

The project