Access Catalogo Bibliografico Campano

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Catalogo Bibliografico Campano makes available resources belonging to the cultural heritage of the Region. In this section you will find some clear examples of the online collections. Visit the digital resources in the catalogue.

Card Biblioteca personale

Author's Libraries

These collections include illustrious examples of books, documentary material as well as private funds linked to eminent figures or entire families. The author's libraries testify the relevant historical and cultural legacy of the Campania Region.

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Narrative Itineraries

narrative itinerary

When Religion Meets Music: Choral Books in Campania

Music and song are an integral part of religious celebrations. The choral books represent, therefore, a precious testimony of the evolution of sounds within the religious world.

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Legature Pregiate della Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli

La collezione delle Legature Pregiate della Biblioteca Universitaria di Napoli comprende circa 7000 opere appartenute alla Biblioteca Privata dei Borbone, come risulta dal timbro speciale a secco all’interno con i tre gigli.
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