From archaeology to sacred art, from baroque to contemporary art: along its 1,200 metres, Via Duomo is one of the streets with the highest number of museums in the world.
Pio Monte della Misericordia is an institution founded in 1602 by seven Neapolitan nobles who, aware of the needs of a population in need of help and solidarity, decided to donate part of their possessions and commitment to works of charity. Caravaggio's painting, from the top of the chapel's high altar, summarises the acts of solidarity carried out by Pio Monte della Misericordia in an extraordinary synthesis of the Seven Works of Corporal Mercy, still carefully practised today. For over four centuries, Pio Monte della Misericordia, with its Governors and Associates, has continued its work of assistance and charity, adapting its interventions to changing needs.
Progetto: ARCCA - ARchitettura della Conoscenza CAmpana - ECOSISTEMA DIGITALE PER LA CULTURA